#FashionFriday : How to wear a scarf

Beauties today is #FashionFriday - the best day of the week!

Scarves are undoubtedly one of the most important accessories to have in your wardrobe. Wearing a scarf adds instant color, texture and style to any outfit that you choose to wear. The best thing about having a few scarves in your wardrobe is that you can wear it during any season, on any given day, no matter what the weather may be like.

Now the question that comes to mind is: Is there a certain way to wear a scarf?

Reality is, there is not just one way to style a scarf...There's about forty (40) ways to wear a scarf!

                                                                                 Source: itswrittenonthewalls.blogspot.ca via Mia on Pinterest

Now it's your turn: What is your favorite way to wear a scarf?  Let us know in the comments! We love hearing from you....

PS. Like us on Facebook for more on style, fashion, and special discounts to help you get some needed retail therapy! Can't wait to see you there!!


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